Sunday, August 25, 2013

AC Failure

Dear Ava,

You slept so well last night. Grandma F and I were all set for another sleepless night when you surprised us by only waking up at 2 AM, 5 AM, and 7 AM to nurse and then fell back to sleep. It helped that our room was not impacted by the central AC unit failure like the rest of the house. We have our own window AC unit in the room because I would get quite warm while pregnant with you. We camped out in our room for the majority of the day since there is a heat wave hitting the area right now.

Even though you slept so well last night, making it to the 11 AM church service was too much of a stretch for me in my own sleep deprived state. Instead, we once again showed up to the 5 PM service 15 minutes late. One of these days/years I will figure out how to get us there on time.

One thing that we did accomplish today, or maybe it was last night, was talking to Joe/daddy on Skype. As much as I miss him, I am very thankful that we are not in Korea with him at the moment. He is battling a huge black mold outbreak in his place. He was up until 2 AM washing down his walls with a diluted bleach solution the day he got back to Korea. Thankfully, by the time we go visit him the black mold should not be an issue. Hopefully, that time is sooner rather than later. I miss him and I know he really misses you.

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