Dear Ava,
Grandma F and I gave you another bath last night in hopes that you would sleep better. You still think that Midnight to 4 AM is the optimal time to be wide awake, checking out the world, eating, and filling diaper after diaper. You also think that the afternoon is the best time to fall into a deep sleep. Grandma F and I are on a mission to try to get your circadian rhythm better adjusted so that we can get some sleep at night.
I didn't take any pictures of your bath this time, but daddy did take a couple pictures of your previous bath:

Grandma F and I gave you another bath last night in hopes that you would sleep better. You still think that Midnight to 4 AM is the optimal time to be wide awake, checking out the world, eating, and filling diaper after diaper. You also think that the afternoon is the best time to fall into a deep sleep. Grandma F and I are on a mission to try to get your circadian rhythm better adjusted so that we can get some sleep at night.
I didn't take any pictures of your bath this time, but daddy did take a couple pictures of your previous bath:

You slowly seem to be adjusting to the idea of a bath. Granted, you still cry a lot, but it didn't seem as intense this time. Or maybe it is that I am more used to you crying during a bath. Grandma F just read me something she found online that states "bath time is often a time of fun and bonding for parents and baby". Clearly, the people writing that article have never tried to bath a newborn.
While you may still cry during a bath, I do know for sure that you are adjusting to having a shirt put on over your head. The first time daddy and I put a onesie on you by placing it over your head when we were coming home from the hospital you screamed bloody murder. Your reaction scarred me to the point where I haven't clothing on over your head until recently. You've been so skinny up until now that it has been easy to put clothing on feet first, but you are slowly starting to plump up and I don't know how much longer I can put onesies on you that way. Though you still cried a little when I put a onesie on you today by putting it over your head, it was a very short cry and not nearly as loud or dramatic as the first time.
Grandma F is holding you at the moment and it looks like you may be in your very deep sleep. While you look really cute when you sleep (and every other moment of time as well), please please please try to get some sleep tonight.
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