Friday, February 28, 2014

Time Change Planning Fail

Dear Ava,

I messed up big time when making our travel plans. If I had thought about daylight savings time prior to scheduling our trip to see Grandma and Grandpa P we would travel to see them the week prior to daylight savings time. As it currently stands, we will hit daylight savings time (jump ahead 1 hour), then a few days later travel one more time zone ahead (jump ahead an additional hour), then a week later travel back home (go back 1 hour), followed by a few days later traveling to see daddy/Joe (jump ahead 14 hours). Had we traveled the week prior to daylight savings time, the time zone where Grandma and Grandpa P and daylight savings time at our home would line up perfectly. I hope that isn't too confusing.

The take away of all of this is that the sleep schedule you finally have settled into will change completly in a week and then continue to keep changing until you adjust to the Korea time zone.

The past month of us not travelling was wonderful. I wish it was not about to end, though I can't wait to see Joe again. If only we did not have 20+ continuous hours of travel followed by 2-3 weeks of jet lag to deal with as a result of the trip. At least we will get to be together as a family of 3 for our longest stretch yet.


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